Saturday, November 22, 2014

Putting the finishing touches on my first novel

It has been a tough road this past year, writing all 36 of the chapters of what represents over 32 years of hard times trying to make a living as an employee and then a consultant in the IT field. Even into my last days of editing this over 600 page book, I am still finding areas that i want to fix up and improve. I have found a cheap publisher and the next step is to print out 15 copies for friends and family and for all time sake. Next year I will make a new version for possible release as a published book or ebook.

I recommend anyone who has completed his/her career to write a book about their experiences. For me it was therapy but I have to admit that even after writing it all down I am still not over all the bad times and I have had more than my share.

I added one last chapter where I copied in some emails from an old college professor from 32 years ago who helped me during a very tough time. This last week of November 2014 I sent out the book to get a test printing and i have submitted my manuscript for review.

Friday, November 14, 2014

On Writing my first novel

They say write about what you know.

That is what I did when I wrote a 600 page Novel/Biography about my completed career in the Information Technology field. I started it in late January and now I am about done writing, re-writing and editing it.

I really had no trouble remembering anything, all those thousands of incidents both good and very bad over a 32 year span of trying to make a living. The title says it all, "Because of the Money", and what we all do to make money in this world is a major work of economy and art within it self.